B.13017/4/2019-LESDE: In supersession of this Department's Notification of even No. dated 26.01.2020 and in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 18 of the Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to reconstitute the Mizoram Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board consisting of the following members with immediate effect:

- Each member shall hold office for three years or he/she holds the office of the post and remains a member of the Trade Union or Organization he/she represents as the case may be whichever is earlier.
- Where the appointment of the successor of any such member has not been notified by the Government on or before the expiry of the said period of three years, such member shall continue to hold such office until notified by the Government.
- The Board shall meet at such time and place and observe such rules or procedure in regards to the transaction of business at its meeting as may be prescribed and submit report to the State Secretary (Labour).
- The Chairperson, if, for any reasons, is unable to attend a meeting of the Board, any member nominated by the Chairperson in this behalf and in the absence of such nomination, any member elected by the members present from amongst themselves at the meeting, shall preside over the meeting.
- Any question which comes up before any meeting of the Board shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present and voting, and in the event of equality of votes, the Chairperson or in his/her absence, the person presiding, shall have a second or casting vote.
- The Board will comply with the instruction/orders/circulars issued by the Government of Mizoram from time to time with regard to personnel, financial and other matters.
- The Board may:
- provide immediate assistance to a beneficiary in case of accident;
- make payment of pension to the beneficiaries who have completed the age of sixty years;
- sanction loans and advances to beneficiaries for construction of house, not exceeding such amounts and on such term and conditions as may be prescribed;
- pay such amount in connection with premia for Group Insurance Scheme of the beneficiaries as it may deem fit;
- give such financial assistance for the education of children of the beneficiaries as may be prescribed;
- make payment of maternity benefit to the female beneficiaries.
- make provision and improvement of such other welfare measures and facilities as may be prescribe;
- take all necessary action to comply with the directions and advice of Central Government with the regard to implementation of Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare (RECS) Act, 1996 and Rules frame thereunder and also of the Building & Other Construction Workers Cess Act, 1996 and rules framed there under.
- The Board may also grand loan or subsidy to a local authority or an employer as may be approved State Government towards welfare of building workers.
- The Board may pay grant loan or subsidy a local authority or to an employer for the benefit of the Building workers and their family members, subject to conditions and limit as may be prescribed by the State Government.
- The Board may be sitting allowance to the member present in its meeting and the amount of which may be as prescribed from time to time.
The other terms and conditions of the Mizoram Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board shall be prescribed by the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) act, 1996 and Rules made there under.
Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram
Labour, Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Deptt.