STEP 1: Look up for your Roll number from this link below:
Link 1: DEO (SKILL) Candidate List
Link 2: MTS (SKILL) Candidate List
Link 3: DEO (LABOUR) Candidate List
Link 4: MTS (LABOUR) Candidate List
STEP 2: Click the DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD below.
STEP 3: You will be redirected to the recruitment page. And, read the instruction carefully.
At the bottom of the page, you will find 2 recruitment type (i.e., SKILL & LABOUR) and click the button which post you applied.
STEP 4: Then, fill up the survey forms before download. Your Roll Number should be exactly 4 digits.
STEP 5: After submitting the survey form, your admit card will generate and available for download at any time.
PORTAL IS CLOSED ON 3rd March 2022.